[外文游泳文献] Speedo Tip: Optimizing Flipturns(优化自由泳翻滚转身)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-2 21:02:11
14713 3
This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Mariejo Pasion, the Physiology Coordinator for USA Swimming. Pasion, who also coaches for the Colorado Springs Swim Team, offers advice to swimmers preparing for the ConocoPhillips USA Swimming Short Course Nationals this weekend.  
这周的speedo贴士来自美国游泳队的生理学顾问Mariejo Pasion,他也是科罗拉多春天游泳队的教练。他为正在备战本周末美国短池锦标赛的游泳运动员提供了一些建议。

Short Course Nationals kicks off in just a couple of days!  It will surely be an exciting meet and we anticipate some fast swims and possibly some records to drop.  

In preparing for Short Course Nationals, keep in mind how crucial your starts, turns and underwater swimming will be. Getting off the blocks fast and making sure you have tight, fast turns will play a  major role in the outcome of your swim since these components will be a larger percentage of your time with more walls to tackle. Be sure to know where your walls are during warm-up, especially if you do not normally train short course.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-2 21:05:11
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-2 21:05:34
Since tempo or rates tend to be different from long course to short course, timing of the turns may also need to be adjusted from when you’re racing and training long course.  If you regularly time your turns in practice or at meets, it will be easier for you to determine if you have faster or slower turn times.  If you don’t normally take turn times, you can ask your coach to time them in practice, warm-up or even prelims to give you a better frame of reference for your finals swim.

The underwater swimming portion of your races, as Dan McCarthy, Sports Performance Consultant at USA Swimming, refers to it as the “fifth stroke” can make the difference between a personal best and touching the wall last. If you know you have good turns and a strong underwater, you can use this to your advantage. If you know you could improve upon your walls, it may be a good investment to really focus on this part of your race or discussing with your coach a race strategy that will take this into account and possibly offset slower walls.   
你比赛中的水下泳姿部分(水下蝶泳腿),正如美国游泳运动顾问会Dan McCarthy所说的,“第五泳姿”的好坏,直接决定了你是第一还是最后。如果你知道你有很好的转身和很强的水下工作,你可以利用这些优势。如果你可以提高你的触壁转身,那么在比赛中真正注重这一点将会是很好的投入,或者同你的教练讨论一个包含快速转身或者避免慢速转身的比赛策略。(P.S.小菲就是靠强大的水下蝶泳腿,才能赢得自由泳的金牌。)

Good luck to all the athletes!  Swim fast and have fun.
octopus123 发表于 2013-4-7 23:13:38
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