[外文游泳文献] Gaining experience in open water(在公开水域中获取经验)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 20:03:14
9941 0
This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Erica Rose, an eight-time open water national champion. Rose, who will vie for a chance to compete at the 2008 World Championships this weekend, offers advice to swimmers looking to gain experience in the sport.  

One of the most important qualities an athlete can have in open water swimming is experience in the sport. Whether you’re just starting to get into open water swimming or whether you’ve been doing races for years, you should be constantly thinking about ways to get involved in more swims and to gain experience in competitions.

When you’re racing in a pool, you know what to expect. The conditions are pretty much the same each time you dive in the water for a race. However, when you enter the water for an open water event, you need to be prepared for all sorts of different conditions. It might be hot, it might be cold and you might encounter waves, currents or aquatic life. If you have experience dealing with different settings and different circumstances, you will be more comfortable than your competition and you will be able to focus your energy on racing rather than on other distractions.

I would encourage young swimmers to start with short open water swims and work their way up to longer distances. Compete in races where you start both in the water and where you have to run in for the start. Also do races in cold water and in hot water. Try “sprint” races that challenge you to keep your speed up the entire time, as well as races that test your endurance and your ability to pace yourself.  

Since most of us start swimming in pools, we need to learn to transfer our knowledge and skills from that setting into the world of open water. Ask yourself the same questions after an open water race as you do when you get out of the pool. Were you quick at the start? Was there a point in the race where you started to get tired? Did you sprint into the finish? How were your turns – were people passing you or did you make up time going around the buoys? The only way to answer these questions and to learn from mistakes is to GET EXPERIENCE racing in open water.

So get out there and have fun! Test it out and see what it’s all about. I would be willing to bet that the more you race in open water, the more you’ll realize that you would much rather be swimming in a river, lake or ocean than back and forth along that boring black line!
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