[视频分享] BBC 游泳教学片精华 (整理帖 更新于2012-8-6)

猪八戒 发表于 2008-8-22 14:26:56
20110 12
BBC 游泳教学片-爬泳
Mark Foster

1970年5月12 日
身高: 1m 98cm
体重: 93kg
50m :
训练指导(伙伴): Colin Jackson


原文 (由seeeker听写)

Hi, I am Mark foster. I
am world champion and world record holder of 50meters free style.

I am
going to give you some tips on swimming front crawl. front crawl is not only the
fastest and strongest stroke; it is also a great fun too. There are 3 parts of
swimming front crawl: the legs, the arms, and finally the

First is to do with your legs, not only is it important to
learn to kick greatly. A. because, it will keep you float also your legs detect
the speedy of your arms. Try to kick from the hips. The important is to keep
your legs straight with slightly bent in your knees. My special tip is: when you
sprinting, keep your legs faster. Because the faster the legs go, the faster the
arms go. And when you swim longer distance, keep them slowly, (be)cause only
legs balance the swimming (听不太清,可能是这个意思).

The arm stroke is the most
important thing because 85% of your propulsion comes from your arms, and only
15% from the legs. To help to make you stroke longer, (when “S”), when your hand
is exiting out of the water. You should be brushing your thigh at the back of
your stroke, and then to make your elbows higher, try to brush the surface of
the water with your arms as you coming through. Underneath of the water is very
important, you start out with an outward motion, an inward motion, and finally
outward again. Exiting near your legs, like an “S” shape. My tip to help your
arm movement would be fingers dragging the surface of water and when exiting the
water, sweep your hips.

Finally breathing, this is the hardest part of
stroke. Try breathing every 3 strokes; so you will be breathing on both sides.
And while breathing, try to keep your month half-in and half-out of the water.
This will keep your body flat while swimming.

So remember, kick from your
hips, elbows high, and “S” shape under the water. That is my guide for free

翻译 (qudodo)







= 根据后面的“the faster … the faster”,我没有直译它。
dragging =
Half in & half out =

 楼主| 猪八戒 发表于 2008-8-22 14:27:46
BBC 游泳教学片-蛙泳
Heidi Earp

英国短池100m 和 200m 蛙泳记录保持者
身高 1。70m
教练: Bill Furniss

这个教学片源于 BBC ,一共四种泳姿,今天是蛙泳。[url=http://bbs.chinaswim.com/"http://news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/hi/sa/swimming/video_masterclasses/newsid_2135000/2135639.stm"]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/hi/sa/swimming/video_masterclasses/newsid_2135000/2135639.stm[/url]

原文 (seeeker听写):

Hi, I'm Heidi Earp. I am the bronze medalist of European short
course championship. I am here to give your some top tips of how to swim
breaststroke. To make it easer, I have divided the stroke into 3 different
parts: legs, arms, and body.
Right, we will start with your legs, bring your
feet up to your bottom, turn your feet out, and kick back before straitening of
your legs. Remember to make sure that the outwards and inwards movement is not
too wide. And Heidi special tip is: one of the best ways to develop a powerful
leg kick is to practice vertical kicking.
Moving on body and breathing, the
most important thing is to keep you body at surface level. It will help the
stroke if you can make you body lift and drop, it is called undulation. Practice
lifting your shoulder and chest as your arms pull so that your shoulders are
clear of the water. Heidi special tip: keep your hips level in the water. If you
undulate half your body too much it will create resistance and slow you down.

And now onto your arms. The secret of the arms is to press out-and-round
with the hands, and then tuck your elbows into your chest to complete the full
circle. And Heidi’s special tip is that the arms and hands move as one unit to
increase the surface area to pull with.
So remember draw a full circle of
the arms, undulate the body, and make sure your legs’ movement is not too wide.
And that is my guide to breaststroke, good luck.

译文: 美人鱼666






 楼主| 猪八戒 发表于 2008-8-22 14:28:28
BBC 游泳教学片-仰泳


Sarah Price

1979年4月 19 生
体重: 65.3kg

200m 仰泳: 2mins 4.44secs
教练: Rhys Gormley



原文解说 (由seeeker听写记录):

Sarah Price. I am the fastest female backstroke in the world. And I am here to
help to give you some top tips on backstroke. I have broken the stroke into 3
areas: the legs, the arms, and the body action.

First your legs, try to
make fast and continuous kicks. Keep your knees slightly bent, your toes should
make small splash all the time. Try to keep your hips as close to the surface as
possible without arising above the surface. My special tip is: try to kick from
the hips not from your knees.

Now with your arms. Your arms should make
a circular action. When your hand enters into the water, your arm should be as
straight as possible. On the under water phase, you should try to copy the
letter “S” shape. My special tip: when hand enters the water, try to catch the
water as early as possible. By doing this you should be able to pull faster
through the water.

Now on to your body. If you want to swim faster, you
need to be as streamline as possible. To help with this, you can let your hips
and shoulders roll slightly. Try to keep your head as still as possible. To help
with this, you can try to lift your head slightly upwards. And my special tip
for this is to try to get the shoulders to come out of the water on each of the

And so to recap: try to kick from the hips and not the knees;
try to create “S” shape in the underwater phase, and finally let your hips and
shoulders roll. And that is my guide to back-crawl, have fun.


译文: qudodo





 楼主| 猪八戒 发表于 2008-8-22 14:28:47
BBC 游泳教学片-蝶泳


James Hickman

50m 蝶泳 23。91 秒
教练: Terry Dennison




Hi, I am James Hickman. I am now going to give you some
tips on butterfly. Some people said it is the hardest stroke. I don’t think so.
I have been doing this for sometime. But I am the fastest butterfly swimmer in
the Europe. So take a look at this.

I divided the stroke into 3
different areas: arms, legs, and body.
我把蝶泳动作分成三部分: 手臂(动作),腿部(动作),和 身体。

We are going to start with some arms and breathing exercises on land. In
butterfly both the arms move together like this, and when you want to breathe,
your head comes up as your arms push through the water, and then goes back down
on the recovery. The pull and push phase in butterfly is termed a key hole
because your arms describe a key hole like this “out-in-out”.
My special
tip, the Hickman tip is to keep your elbows very high when you are doing this
because you get most amount of force in this position to push through.

首先是手臂(动作)和呼吸。蝶泳时,两臂是同时运动 (演示动作)。

划水和推水的动作象是在走一个“锁孔”的形状 (有点象8字型--seeeker):“ 外-内-外”的划水路线(演示动作)。
我的小窍门是:高肘划水可产生最大的推力 (演示动作 )。

Now we are going to move to the other end
of the stroke: the legs. Butterfly leg kick is like crawl-like kick except for
the fact that both feet move together. The kick started from the hips, as the
hips go in the air, the legs bend the feet kick down. A good tip is to turn your
feet in slightly and keep your toes pointed all the time. My special tip, James
Hickman special tip is your legs have the biggest muscles so you train them, you
butterfly will be a lot of better.


The next part of the
stroke we are going to move to is the body, it is really important in the
butterfly stroke to get the undulation right. That is the up and down movement.
When the head goes up the hips goes down. Try to make sure you get your head
under the water by tucking your chin on your chest, and if you breathe every 2
strokes that will help the timing and the rhythm of your stroke. My top tip is
if you get the rhythm of the stroke right, you will be able to do butterfly.


With the timing in butterfly being so important, let’s go through
that order one more time: as your hands go in, kick down; push through the water
in your key hole and kick down as your arms go out; keep your head down, and
then kick down as your hands go in. pull through the water and then just as your
hands coming to go out breathe and kick down, butt your head down and hands in.
Quite complicated but I am sure you can do it. Give it a go!

因为蝶泳动作配合及其关键,我再重复一下动作配合步骤: 手入水时,腿打水;手臂在水下是“锁孔”路线划水时,保持头部(在水下)贴胸部

So remember, keep
your head tucked into your chest, keep that key-hole shape with your arms and
breathe every 2 strokes. That is my guide to butterfly swimming, get
 楼主| 猪八戒 发表于 2008-8-22 14:30:09


 楼主| 猪八戒 发表于 2008-8-22 14:33:04
 楼主| 猪八戒 发表于 2008-8-22 14:34:00
 楼主| 猪八戒 发表于 2008-8-22 14:35:10
/:A001? /:A001? /:A001?
大白菜 发表于 2008-8-23 00:48:10
/:A023? 不错顶上去!
youyong 发表于 2011-3-30 01:10:08
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