[外文游泳文献] Developing core strength(开发身体核心力量)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 19:19:38
12375 1
This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Adam Depmore, the elite-level and strength conditioning coach for Lone Star Aquatics. Depmore offers swimmers advice on strengthening their core.
本周的Speedo贴士来自Adam Depmore,他是Lone Star Aquatics的精英级的力量训练教练。Depmore给游泳运动员提供了强化身体核心的建议。

Core strength is a must when it comes to swimming. A strong core leads to both improved balance and overall function inside the water. A great exercise used to measure core strength is the standard push-up. However, they are only effective if done properly. Here are some key points:

1. Initiate with feet shoulder width apart.
1. 开始时脚分开同肩宽。

2. Back straight (If you have a hard time getting this down just flex your abs and your body will correct itself.)

3. Hands placed slightly further than shoulder width.

4. Eyes gaged forward.
4. 目视前方。

5. Breath in as you go down.
5. 身体下去时吸气。

6. Come down till your elbows create a 90-degree angle.
6. 下去直到你的肘部成90°角

7. Exhale as you go up.
7. 撑起来的时候呼气。
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 19:19:57
Modifications -
Beginner - Start off from your knees. This will help you develop a well balanced form.

Intermediate - Try positioning you hands in different spots to target different areas your chest

Advanced - Try exploding coming up and clapping your hands.

Expert - Do a push-up with a clap but have your entire body come up (including feet)

When you find yourself becoming more and more comfortable with the push-up, try and see how many you can do within a minute. A good sprinter can do 60 in a minute. So try it out and see what you can do.
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